Ervaringsverhaal van Barbara Schunk ( Cannabisoil as supplement or even as replacement for chemotherapy )

11-01-2016 19:49

Auteur:  Barbara Schunk-Simpson.

I am English but have lived here in the Netherlands since 1973.  In 2010 I had to undergo a Whipple-operation becauce of a tumor in the gallduct touching the pancreas.  This was followed by a 6 month chemotherapy.   In July of last year it was discovered, that at the position of the operation of 2010 a thickening of the tissues had occurred, probably cancerous, and three new small tumours were discovered on my right lung, which are metastases of the old tumour-type.  I am at present undergoing chemotherapy at the Klinikum Aachen, which they say should continue for the rest of my life.

As I suffer quite a lot under the present chemotherapy, I am seriously looking for something, which will relieve my suffering or - even better - something, which would replace chemotherapy altogether.  By searching the internet I have read of the very promising effects of cannabisoil.  In this context I have a few questions, the answers to which I could not figure out in the different articles.

1   What is the best product as a supplement to chemotherapy:  CBD or THC or the mixture of both?

2   What is the best product as a replacement?

3   In what quantities do I have to use it?  Do I have to increase the amount over time and if so to what amount? 

4   Where can I get the cannabisoil and at what price?

5   Can I get any medical assistance in Southern Limburg, here in the Netherlands, especially in the vicinity of Gulpen-Wittem?

6   What is the difference between medicinal and the other offers in internet concerning the relieving and healing effects?

Thanking you for your help in this matter and looking forward to your reply.

Bron: Barbara Schunk-Simpson.